只修改 Pop 方法,使得栈中元素排序为队列的规则。
1 public class MyQueue { 2 3 Stackstack; 4 /** Initialize your data structure here. */ 5 public MyQueue() { 6 stack = new Stack<>(); 7 } 8 9 /** Push element x to the back of queue. */10 public void push(int x) {11 if(stack.isEmpty()) {12 stack.push(x);13 }14 else {15 Stack tmp = new Stack<>();16 while(!stack.isEmpty())17 tmp.push(stack.pop());18 stack.push(x);19 while(!tmp.isEmpty())20 stack.push(tmp.pop());21 }22 }23 24 /** Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element. */25 public int pop() {26 return stack.pop();27 }28 29 /** Get the front element. */30 public int peek() {31 return stack.peek();32 }33 34 /** Returns whether the queue is empty. */35 public boolean empty() {36 return stack.isEmpty();37 }38 }
使用两个 Stack,input、output。
push: 压入 input 栈。
pop、peek: 若 output 不为空,则对 output 操作; 若 output 为空,则将 input 元素全部压入 output,在对 output 操作。
empty: 当 output、input 全为空时才返回 true。
1 class MyQueue { 2 3 Stackinput = new Stack<>(); 4 Stack output = new Stack<>(); 5 6 public void push(int x) { 7 input.push(x); 8 } 9 10 public int pop() {11 peek();12 return output.pop();13 }14 15 public int peek() {16 if(output.isEmpty()) {17 while(!input.isEmpty())18 output.push(input.pop());19 }20 return output.peek();21 }22 23 public boolean empty() {24 return input.empty() && output.empty();25 }26 }